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Hotel Coral Ocean View is immersed in a project based on sustainability | Coral Hotels
News and novelties in Canary islands
Hotel Coral Ocean View is immersed in a project based on sustainability
December 28 2023
Coral Ocean view is taking part in a pilot project “The Circular Tourism Community” (CTC), promoted by Ashotel (The Hotel and Lodging Association of Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro) and Asaga Canarias, the Association of Farmers and Cattle Producers of the Canary Islands.
The pilot project consists of transforming the organic matter produced in the hotels (bio-waste from fruit, vegetables, coffee grounds, eggshells, etc.) into high quality organic fertiliser (A+ compost) to replenish the soils of local farms.
Ashotel reports that a total of 570 tonnes of biowaste kitchen preparation and pruning hoteliers have been collected for one year in 12 hotel establishments in Tenerife and transformed into 200 tonnes of A+ compost fertiliser.
The Tenerife Island Council, the Adeje City Council, Asaga Canarias (Association of Farmers and Cattle Producers of the Canary Islands), and Serviagroc, the company that owns the farm in Guía de Isora, have all endorsed the Circular Tourism Community. This farm will be responsible for processing the waste collected from various establishments participating in this initiative.
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The pilot project consists of transforming the organic matter produced in the hotels (bio-waste from fruit, vegetables, coffee grounds, eggshells, etc.) into high quality organic fertiliser (A+ compost) to replenish the soils of local farms.
Ashotel reports that a total of 570 tonnes of biowaste kitchen preparation and pruning hoteliers have been collected for one year in 12 hotel establishments in Tenerife and transformed into 200 tonnes of A+ compost fertiliser.
The Tenerife Island Council, the Adeje City Council, Asaga Canarias (Association of Farmers and Cattle Producers of the Canary Islands), and Serviagroc, the company that owns the farm in Guía de Isora, have all endorsed the Circular Tourism Community. This farm will be responsible for processing the waste collected from various establishments participating in this initiative.